Local resort introduces its first biodiesel snowcat

Alternative fuels become a part of grooming at The Canyons
By ANNA BLOOM, Of The Record staffEvery night, as most of Park City sleeps or hot-tubs it, John Neuhauser begins his work overseeing 16 hours of grooming at The Canyons, half the time in a snowcat himself, pushing snow up the slopes. However, while Neuhauser takes pride in carving corduroy, he worries about what all that diesel exhaust may be doing to the natural beauty of the landscape. Two weeks ago, Neuhauser began running one of his cats on what's known as B-20 Blend: 20 percent bio-diesel, and 80 percent petroleum diesel - a combination that smells like a Chinese restaurant, and cuts the amount of produced to less than half of straight fossil fuel. Someday soon, if all goes well with this year's guinea pig, Neuhauser hopes to run an entire fleet of bio-cats at The Canyons.

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