Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I posed the following Question to Earthtalk yesterday:

"Dear Earthtalk,

Is it possible that the lifting of the pressure from billions upon billions of tons of the ice on Earth's South pole and Northern hemispere glaciers could reduce Earth's internal pressure and cause a lowering of the tectonic plates around the equatior? Has any computer modeling been done taking this into account, and is there any record geologically of warm periods in the Earth's history coinciding with arge shifts in the positions of equatorial plates, adding to the effect of a rise in sea level? (Think of what would happen to a spinning ball if you squeezed it at the top and bottom and then let go.)"

They have replied that they will put the question into the database for scientists to answer, and if an answer becomes available they will respond. I do not know if the question will be in the form of an answer in their weekly column or just a reply to me, but I will let you the readers know if I get an answer.


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