Sunday, February 15, 2004

Hansen: Kucinich could be your perfect match
Register Columnist
02/12/2004 There's a cartoon in the Feb. 9 New Yorker showing the results of the "Mars Primary."

Dean has 3 percent. Kerry, Edwards, and Lieberman each has 1 percent of the vote. Clark and Sharpton each get half a percent.

Leading the pack, pulling 93 percent of the Martian total, is none other than Dennis Kucinich.

The joke isn't complicated. Kucinich is the candidate from outer space. Get it?

While down-to-earth Kerry has 516 of the 2,161 delegates needed to win the Democratic nomination, out-in-orbit Kucinich has two more than you and me.

He came away with 1 percent of the caucus tally in Iowa, which has turned out to be a fairly typical performance across the country for the congressman from Ohio.

But here's the twist. If Kucinich is from Mars, a lot of Iowans are drifting closer to the red planet than they'd like to admit.

See, there's this Web site - - that can tell you which candidate is most in line with your own beliefs...(Full Story)

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