Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Kucinich First to File for Pennsylvania Primary
February 16, 2004

Contact: William Rivers Pitt, 617.308.6441 (cell), william.pitt@kucinich.us

Ohio Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich has become the first Democratic candidate to file petitions to be on the ballot for Pennsylvania’s April 27 primary election.

Last Friday morning, February 13, in Harrisburg, the state capital, representatives of the Kucinich campaign filed more than 3,200 names on nominating petitions. Pennsylvania law requires at least 2,000 valid signatures.

In a remarkable display of the true grassrooots nature of the campaign, more than 150 activists collected the signatures in a period of less than three weeks. The campaign also filed the required signatures to put nine delegate/alternate candidates on the ballot. Additional delegate candidates will also be filing their Kucinich petitions in the next few days to be on the ballot.

Ed Grystar, Kucinich Pennsylvania State Director, said that “the message of the Kucinich campaign regarding jobs, peace and justice will resonate with the citizens of Pennsylvania. That is what’s needed to provide an alternative to candidates and officerholders who refuse to challenge the rule of Big Money in all aspects of U.S. society.”

For more information: http://www.kucinich.us

For Rep. Kucinich's Schedule: http://www.kucinich.us/schedule.htm

Local Contact: Ed Grystar, 412-826-1270, ed.grystar@kucinich.us

National Contact: Susan Mainzer, 213-840-0077, smainzer@kucinich.us

Contact us:
Kucinich for President
11808 Lorain Avenue - Cleveland, OH 44111
216-889-2004 / 866-413-3664 (toll-free)

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