Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Kucinich To Open Series of Talks at Joan B. Kroc Institute
February 12, 2004

Who: Democratic Presidential Nominee Candidate Dennis J. Kucinich
What: Speech on "The Role of the U.S. in Preventing Deadly Conflict" (Reception to follow)
When: Friday, February 27, 7:30 PM
Where: The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA (accessed via USD's West Entrance off Linda Vista Road and Marian Way)

Ohio Congressman Kucinich will discuss his views on how the United States can work to prevent violent international or intra-national conflict in the world. In his acceptance speech for the 2003 Gandhi Peace Award, Rep. Kucinich spoke of "...the potential of humanity to evolve...to a condition where our knowledge that peace is inevitable becomes the defining paradigm of a new century and a new world." Standing firm in his opposition to military action in Iraq, Rep. Kucinich rallied nearly two-thirds of House Democrats who ultimately voted against the Iraq war resolution. "There is no imminent threat" Kucinich stated September 29, 2002, on CBS television's "Face the Nation."

Kucinich rejects the doctrine of pre-emptive war, and believes that conflict can be prevented by working with other nations and the United Nations. He has sponsored two Congressional measures: the Space Preservation Treaty which bans space-based weapons; and a cabinet-level Department of Peace, to establish non-violence as an organizing principle in both domestic and international affairs.

Fair trade agreements can be a first step toward building trust between the U.S. and other nations, Kucinich declares. Trade treaties must be conditioned on workers' rights, human rights, and environmental principles. Kucinich sees the U.S. as a partner with developing nations in providing fair wages, decent working conditions, and technologies that provide sustainable energy production. A Harris Poll taken Feb. 12-16, 2003 indicates agreement with these principles. Sixty-eight percent of respondents said the U.S. has a moral responsibility toward poor nations to help them develop economically and improve working people's lives.

Kucinich has stated that the Internet, communications, transportation and trade all reflect connectivity. "The thinking that separates us from other nations and other people is archaic." Kucinich offers a vision for the world that seeks "to make war itself archaic..." and "to make nonviolence an organizing principle in our society."For more information: www.kucinich.us

For Rep. Kucinich's Schedule: http://www.kucinich.us/schedule.htm

Local Contacts: Kathy Hughart, San Diego Kucinich for President Campaign Headquarters, 619-269-7113, kmarks@sdccu.ne

National Contact: Susan Mainzer 213-840-0077, susan.mainzer@kucinich.us

Contact us:
Kucinich for President
11808 Lorain Avenue - Cleveland, OH 44111
216-889-2004 / 866-413-3664 (toll-free)

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