Sunday, May 16, 2004

April 7, 2004

Kucinich fans set for Inaugural Ball Friday

ROSEBURG: Supporters of presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich plan to go one better than last month's "Who Wants to Marry a Presidential Candidate" pageant. They plan to hold an Inaugural Ball for Kucinich, even though the candidate hasn't won a single primary.

Kathryn Maxwell of Tuscon, Ariz., the winner of the pageant, will return to preside over the ball, to be held Friday at the Umpqua Valley Arts Center, 1624 W. Harvard Ave.

The gathering will include political skits, talent presentations, music and dancing. Maxwell will also deliver an inaugural address.

The evening is meant to be all in fun, while spreading the word about Kucinich and his political platform, organizers said.

Kucinich, the former mayor of Cleveland who serves in the House of Representatives, supports workers rights, opposed...(Full Story)

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