Tuesday, May 11, 2004

ENN Environmental News Network
E-mail Edition 05/11/2004

EarthTalk: What are some ways to maintain a "green" swimming pool?
The primary health and environmental drawbacks to swimming pools are water waste, energy waste, and overuse of chlorine.

Head of Chinese chemical firm resigns in water pollution case
The president of a chemical company in southwest China has resigned after waste from his plant polluted the water source of a million people, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Egg industry should not label its product humane, says BBB
The egg industry should stop advertising its products as humane as long as it continues such practices as clipping hens' beaks and depriving birds of food and water, according to a ruling issued Monday by the Better Business Bureau. The ruling comes from the bureau's New York–based National Advertising Review Board, its highest authority on advertising issues.

Loss of bamboo threatens rare animal species
Deforestation is endangering about one-third of the world's 1,200 bamboo species and threatening rare animals such as giant pandas and mountain gorillas who depend on the plants for food and protection.

Rocky Mountains energy groups to fight bird protection
The natural gas industry and environmental groups are squaring off in the Rocky Mountains over a small chickenlike bird that makes its home in one of America's hottest gas drilling regions.

EPA issues rules cutting pollution in construction and farming vehicles and equipment
Pollution is expected to be sharply reduced from off-road vehicles and equipment ranging from forklifts to farm tractors to tugboats under regulations announced Monday by the Bush administration.

Indian Ocean could lose coral islands in 50 years
The Indian Ocean could lose most of its coral islands in the next 50 years if sea temperatures continue to rise and reefs badly damaged by global warming do not recover, a marine scientist said on Monday.

Invasive frogs in San Francisco pond evade eradication efforts
California biologists are alarmed over the latest invasive species to take up residence in this city: African clawed frogs, who eat just about anything and tend to breed like crazy.

E.U. may end farm export aid, boosts trade talks
The E.U. said Monday it wanted to boost world trade talks by offering to end billions of dollars of aid for agricultural exports, a move welcomed by Washington but greeted more cautiously by others.

U.S. says it is misunderstood on climate change policy
The United States is committed to fighting global warming even if it has rejected the Kyoto treaty, the U.S. climate change negotiator said Monday.

Environmental Marketplace Updates (Become a Member)

We'd like to encourage you to visit our Environmental Marketplace where you'll learn about some amazing environmentally-focused businesses. A few examples:

Winslow Management Company, with an approach to investing that is based on the conviction that environmental responsibility enhances corporate profitability and investment performance. Learn more about Winslow Management Company

Bullfrog Films, the oldest and largest publisher of videos and films about the environment in the United States, bringing together programs that point the way to a new paradigm for living happily, healthily, and sustainably. Learn more about Bullfrog Films

UC Press, the publishing arm of the University of California, and Sierra Club Books, publishing arm of the Sierra Club. Learn more about UC Press and Sierra Club Books

ShoreBank Pacific, creating strong companies, vibrant communities and a healthy environment. Learn more about ShoreBank Pacific

Today's Press Releases (Become an Affiliate)
Direct from non-profit environmental and educational organizations.

Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting:
The world is getting wetter as it warms

United Nations Environment Programme:
Kosovo Conflict Hot Spots Cleaned Up

United Nations Environment Programme:
Over 50% of gasoline in sub-Saharan Africa is now lead free

Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo:
A green certificate market may result in less green electricity

Earthwatch Institute:
Global Warming Linked to Wildlife Population Shifts

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