Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Taking Care of Business

This week, reporter Penny S. Bonda takes a hard look at the health care industry and its efforts to create healthier indoor environments for patients, employees, and the larger community. "Putting the 'Healthy' Back in Healthcare" examines how for over 40 years Oakland, Calif.-based Kaiser Permanente has made environmental issues a top priority at its facilities throughout the Bay Area. Kaiser has gone on to win numerous awards for its forward-thinking approach to healthcare.

Also this week: sustainability-minded MBAs scheduled to graduate in a couple months get some useful career tips from our resident experts, Steve Rice and Richard MacLean.


The Latest News on Business and the Environment

CCX Members Commit to Cutting Emissions
Members of the Chicago Climate Exchange have committed to cutting their carbon emissions by 4% by 2006.

Mazda's Three Layer Wet Paint System Receives Prize
Mazda Motor Corporation has been awarded the "Prize for Promoting Machine Industry" for developing a new paint application system that emits fewer volatile organics compounds (VOCs).

Office Depot to Incorporate Conservation Science into Paper Procurement Decisions
Office Depot has announced a five-year, $2.2 million strategy to develop the information, standards, and tools needed to advance the company's forest and biodiversity conservation policies.

Good Call: ReCellular Accelerates Recycling of Used Cell Phones
ReCellular Inc., which trades, refurbishes, and recycles used cell phones and other electronic devices has added 30,000 drop off recycling locations in the U.S. and expanding into Latin America.

Small Businesses Win Big with Energy Savings
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is honoring five small businesses across the country for their outstanding achievements in energy efficiency.

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Resources and Tools
A Wealth of Hands-On Help

Water Sustainability Tool
Helps companies better understand and guide their own organization's relationship to water.

Re-Think Your Bottom Line
A practical guide emphasizing the importance of reducing, recycling, and reusing for business and the bottom line.

Green Product Design
The initial research and design phase is the best time to start a product down the path of reduced environmental impact. With this GreenBiz Essential, your company can commit to solving environmental problems before they start.

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