Thursday, March 11, 2010

Transforming Transportation - wasting 80% of all oil...

It is beyond stupid that we waste 80% of the energy in every drop of fuel burned as "waste heat." Every internal combustion engine should be paired with a Stirling-cycle engine, or two to capture as much heat as possible and convert it to useful energy.

If cars had a 400HP electric motor, a small gasoline motor running a generator and powering a Stirling engine that also ran a generator, and a battery bank as a buffer, we could probably double or even triple fuel efficiency.

Even more so if the car/truck were a "plug-in" hybrid that could charge at night and run the first 40 miles on battery during the day.

Most power plants idle at night, wasting copious amounts of electricity because it is too difficult and expensive to shut them down and start them back up.

We could use a lot of that electricity wasted at night to charge the batteries of cars and trucks without burning another ounce of fuel of any kind.

Studies have shown that enough electricity is wasted at night by idling electric generation plants to power 75%, or three quarters of all the entire fleet of American automobiles. All without burning another drop of oil.

The solutions have been available for decades.


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