Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Watching "The Greening Of Southie" About The First L.E.E.D. Gold-Certified Building In Boston...

...which is fascinating.

There's a ton of attention paid to water use, volatile organic compound emissions, energy efficiency, and more.

The developer tried ro source as much of the materials as possible locally and from rapidly-replenishable organic materials. Still, some things had to come from China and Bolivia. They also ran into issues because some of the materials are so new, and harder to work with.

The construction crew were all learning about green building for the first time as well. They had a mixed reaction, but mostly warmed to it over the life of the project. The ones who loved it the most were the insulators. I know I would way rather install recycled cotton batting instead of itchy fiberglass.

Pricing was another concern. Higher up-front building costs made the condos expensive. Still, as the materials become more established and construction workers become more experienced in their use, costs should come down.

All-in-all, a well-balanced film.

Good one, Sundance Channel!


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