Monday, April 14, 2014

Your "Hormone-Free" Milk Still Has Hormones

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From: "Mother Jones Econundrums" <>
Date: Apr 14, 2014 5:45 AM
Subject: Your "Hormone-Free" Milk Still Has Hormones
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April 14, 2014



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Mother Jones



Your "Hormone-Free" Milk Still Has Hormones

By milking pregnant cows, dairies produce milk with elevated estrogen levels—and that doesn't do a body good. [READ MORE]

Watch Harrison Ford Fight Climate Change In a Fighter Jet

Here's the first episode of the new climate change program, Years of Living Dangerously. [READ MORE]


New Study: 72 Percent of Fox News Climate Segments Are Misleading

The report finds that MSNBC was the most accurate cable network in 2013, and CNN could be a lot more accurate if it would stop hosting "debates" about climate science. [READ MORE]


Mother Jones



Which of These 16 Cars Wins the Fuel-Efficiency Smackdown?

So you think you know cars? Play our gas guzzler bracket. [READ MORE]



What The Plastics Industry Will Never Tell You About How Their Products Are Harming Your Children.
Click here to find safe alternatives to the plastics that could be harming your kids.


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