Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's Us Alright

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "The Climate Reality Project" <>
Date: Aug 16, 2013 11:22 AM
Subject: It's Us Alright
To: "Daniel Stafford" <>

The Climate Reality Project


Dear Daniel,

Can you feel the heat? We sure can.

And while temperatures rise, big corporations and Congress continue to claim, "It's not us — it's natural," when you and I both know they're repeating lies coming straight from Big Oil and Big Coal.

"It's not us" is another abominable myth about climate change… and we need your voice to help destroy this myth today. Let's crank up the heat on climate change deniers.

Deniers love to say: "Okay, climate change is happening. But it has natural causes, and humans have nothing to do with it."

Just ask 97 percent of climate scientists: Man-made carbon pollution is the cause of global warming. The consensus is overwhelming.

Yet somehow, deniers just keep rehashing these same old myths and the news media keeps repeating them — confusing the public when people like you and I know the truth is cut and dry.

That's why this week, in response to Organizing for Action's efforts to keep the climate change conversation top-of-mind, we're putting the #HeatOnDenial by making anti-science deniers sweat. Together with our friends at Organizing For America, we can raise the temperature of this hot topic.

So take a moment, head to our Reality Drop application, and help destroy the "It's Not Us" myth –– and together we'll be one step closer to solving the climate crisis.

Thanks for your continued dedication,

The Climate Reality Team

P.S. Never used Reality Drop? Here's the scoop on how to start dropping truth on climate myths in the media.



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