Thursday, February 26, 2004

February 6, 2004

Former Iraq administrator sees decades-long U.S. military presence

By Amy Svitak Klamper, CongressDaily

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, the former interim administrator of
post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Iraq, said Thursday that a U.S.
military presence in Iraq should last "the next few decades," but questioned
the mix of forces already there and current plans to reconfigure the armed
forces as a whole.

Echoing concerns raised by lawmakers at this week's defense budget hearings,
Garner said in an interview with National Journal Group reporters and editors
that the size of the Army and Marine Corps should be increased by enlarging the
infantry or ground forces. And he warned that the current strain on National
Guard and Reserve forces deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan could cripple efforts
to retain experienced soldiers.


Asked how long U.S. forces should remain in Iraq, Garner said, "I hope they're
there a long time."

Read the entire article at

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