Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Urban Sprawl: A Need For Smarter Growth
From the David Suzuki Foundation

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How sprawl affects you:
Over 80% of us now live in urban areas. As our cities grow bigger, urban sprawl is beginning to affect our quality of life.

Seven deadly sins of urban sprawl:
So what’s so bad about urban sprawl anyway? Plenty. Urban sprawl is responsible for less greenspace, increased traffic, and much more.

City of the Future:
Cities require large operating budgets, which come out of the taxes you pay. Don’t you want to get your money’s worth?

Bringing sprawl to a crawl:
Okay, so you know sprawl is bad news for your health and for nature, so what can we do about it?

Sprawling in love:
Though suburban living appears to be affordable, there are significant costs to society and nature. But you can make a difference!

Make change with your token:
Just imagine what your city would look like if you had convenient, affordable, and efficient mass transit. You can make it happen by sending an e-mail to the Prime Minister right now.

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