Tuesday, January 15, 2008

For those of you wondering why I advocate Progressive politics in this space:

By Dan Stafford 01/15/2008

Dear Readers,

I want to state clearly that I believe a healthy environment is strongly influenced by governmental policies in myriad ways. It is for these reasons that I at times will speak of political issues.

A sound environment comes from a collective result of choices; what consumers purchase, how they use the technology purchases after the sales are completed, how they power technological devices, how they use chemical products, what kinds of jobs consumers hold.

The bottom line goal in all of this is for everyone on the planet to have safe, healthy, and stable lives. Of necessity, this requires that we provide the same for all life on the planet to the best of our ability.

If political candidates' policy decisions once they are elected will result in more oil and coal being used, meaning Joe Consumer has to work in a tar sand oil recovery unit or coal mine, we add to the problems we face.

If a different candidate's policies would result in Joe Consumer repairing wind turbines in Kansas or wave power generators in South Carolina, we not only subtract from the problem, we keep more money in the local economy.

I could go on and on with this and hammer the point from seventy different angles, but this is the bottom line. I am reasonably certain that the majority of people reading this blog are able to think out the logical consequences of both scenarios presented above if they wish to.

Fair, transparent, verifiable elections are the absolute bedrock of our collective choice to either care for or desecrate this Earth, this cradle of life. If elections are easily manipulated by those with a financial interest in the status quo, history asserts that the attempt will very likely be made.

Personally, I do not wish to see elections world wide devolve into a competition for political computer hackers or worse. Therefore I will occasionally present pieces like that below in order to illuminate issues I think deserve a closer look, more focused attention, and greater vigilance on all our part.

Personally, I could care less for labels. Give me a Republican who cares about the lives of his/her constituents, and the viability of the world we all live in, and will work to enact policies that directly benefit both, and I would vote for them.

I think such people are rare in this day and age, and so I haven't found any to advocate as of yet - but I do believe there are many Greens and a few democrats who fit what I believe is that description.

So, be prepared in coming here, I do this for free, no monetary benefit have I derived, in fact it costs me both monies out of pocket and time invested. I will say what I honestly believe is truth and to the benefit of all, without remorse or regret. If I am wrong occasionally, so be it. If I am correct, the same. Each reader must look in their hearts and use their logical intelligence to decide that for themselves.

I will also say that I believe ALL of us, each in our own way, really want life to be the best it can be for everyone - we just often disagree on how to get there.

With regards and hope for a new year and a fresh start, thank you for reading.

Dan Stafford

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